How do I place an order?
To place an order send a email to customer.service@elektromed.pl be sure to include a catalog number, brief description of the product, desired quantity, purchase order number, your phone number and company name. Your data are needed to create an invoice ond for order realisation. 

What are the hours for Customer Service?
Customer service is available from 8 AM to 4 PM local time 

How do I set up a standing order?
Email Customer Service to set up a standing order tailored to meet your specific requirements. Contact with us and we will help You with this proces. 

Who do I contact about a pricing and offer?
Contact our Sales Department export@elektromed.pl. You may also use our contact form located a tour website https://pathosolutions.eu/contact-us

How will I know if my order has shipped?
You will receive an email confirmation when your order ships, which will include a link to tracking information.

How will my order ship?
Orders are shipped FOB via common carrier the most economical way. You can also orgainze Your own forwarder or choose a specyfic way of transport organisation.  Contact with our team and we will help You to find the best way. 

Who should I contact if I have questions about a product?
Contact our Sales Department export@elektromed.pl, we will help You to find a specyfic product or give You more info about product that You need. You may also use our contact form located a tour website https://pathosolutions.eu/contact-us

How do I request an SDS or IFU?
Contact our Sales Department customer.service@elektromed.pl, provide us catalog numer or product description and company name. We will send You document that is needed. You may also use our contact form located a tour website https://pathosolutions.eu/contact-us

Contact us:
Headquarters ELEKTRO MED. ul. Zabierzowska 11 32-005 Niepołomice Poland
Office ELEKTRO MED. Wola Batorska 608 32-007 Zabierzów Bocheński Poland, office@elektromed.pl,  +48 12 362 62 70
Warehouse ELEKTRO MED. Wola Batorska 1012 32-007 Zabierzów Bocheński Poland, customer.service@elektromed.pl, tel. +48 12 362 62 72

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If you click YES, you will be redirected to a page intended only for people who use medical devices as professionals. In addition, the site may contain advertisements for medical devices targeted only at such persons.

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