Privacy Policy

The following terms are used in the Privacy Policy, which should be understood as follows: 

Administrator – Administrator - Elektro Med Grzegorz Pałkowski, Zbierzowska 11, 32-005 Niepołomice, NIP: 683-149-14-75, REGON: 351517286, phone number:12 288 91 40, e-mail adress:,

Website - a website located on the Internet at the URL address, owned by the Administrator,

User - a person using the Website,

Personal data – is information that relates to an identified or identifiable person, for example: name and surname, home address, Internet Protocol (IP) address;, location, online identifier or other factors determining the identity of a person

Data processing  - means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;


  1. Elektro Med Grzegorz Pałkowski with its registered office at Zabierzowska 11, 32-005 Niepołomice (Administrator) in accordance with art. 13 sec. 1 and sec. 2 of the general REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 informs:

  2. The recipients of your personal data will be:

    1. Only authorized entities to obtain personal data on the basis of legal provisions

    2. Entities entrusted by the Company with the processing of personal data, providing services to Elektro Med Grzegorz Pałkowski

    3. Companies that are part of a capital group

    4. Entities conducting postal or courier activities in order to deliver correspondence. 



1. The Administrator processes the personal data of Users who sent them using the contact form or provided them through direct contact with the Administrator. These are personal data such as: e-mail address and other data provided by the User in the message sent to the Administrator.
2. Personal data are processed based on the consent granted for processing to the extent and for the purpose specified in the consent - the basis for processing. Moreover, personal data may also be processed for the purpose of pursuing or defending claims, as well as for the purposes of direct marketing in order to pursue the Administrator's legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).
3. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide it may be a problem in the user's contact with the administrator.
4. Personal data may be transferred to entities and persons cooperating with the Administrator, in particular entities providing IT services, which are contractually obliged to maintain confidentiality and to process them in accordance with the GDPR.
5. Personal data will not be transferred to third countries, outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or to international organizations.
6. Personal data will be processed for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were provided and may be processed for the period necessary to implement the User's legitimate interests.
7. The user has the right to access their personal data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to raise objections, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal .
8. The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, when he considers that the processing of his personal data is not in accordance with applicable law.
9. The administrator will not make automated decisions towards the user, including decisions resulting from profiling. 



1. As part of the website, we use cookies to improve the services provided. Using the website without changing the settings for cookies means that they will be placed on your end device. You can change your cookie settings at any time.
2. The website does not automatically collect any information, except for information contained in cookies.
3. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the end device of the Administrator's website User and are intended for using the Administrator's websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device and a unique number.
4. Elektro Med Grzegorz Pałkowski, who runs the website, places cookies on the end device of the User of the Administrator's website and who accesses them is.
5. Cookies technology is not used to obtain any personal data of visitors to the Website.
6. The user may at any time disable the option of accepting cookies in the settings of his web browser. However, this may cause errors in the operation of the Website.
7. Cookies are used to:
a) adapting the content of the Administrator's websites to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of websites; in particular, these files allow to recognize the Website User's device and properly display the website, tailored to his individual needs; 
b) creating statistics that help to understand how Users use websites, which allows improving their structure and content.
8. The Website uses two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User's end device until logging out, leaving the website or turning off the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored on the User's end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
9. The website uses the following cookies:
a) "necessary" cookies, enabling the use of services available on the Website, for example, authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication on the Website;
b) cookies used to ensure security, for example, used to detect abuses in the field of authentication within the Website; 
c) "performance" cookies, enabling the collection of information on how the Website is used;
d) "functional" cookies, enabling "remembering" the settings selected by the User and personalizing the User's interface, for example in the case of the selected language or region from which the User comes, font size, website appearance. 
10. The collected server logs contain, for example, the User's IP address, information about the User's browser is stored for an indefinite period.
11. The administrator may use the above data to create statistics helpful in administering the Website and to improve the quality of the services offered. The statistics do not contain data that identify visitors to the Website.
12. In many cases, the software used for browsing websites (web browser) allows cookies to be stored on the User's end device by default. Website users may change their cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform about each time they are placed on the Website User's device. Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are available in the software (web browser) settings.
13. The administrator informs that restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some functionalities on the website

Do you have contact with medical devices (including in vitro diagnostic medical devices) as a professional (service technician, a person practicing a medical profession or a person trading in medical devices, etc.)?

If you click YES, you will be redirected to a page intended only for people who use medical devices as professionals. In addition, the site may contain advertisements for medical devices targeted only at such persons.

This website uses cookies Find out more Cookies are small text files, stored by the web browser on users device. Used for statistical analysis of traffic, matching the look and content to suit your needs. By leaving cookies unblocked in your browser, you agree to their use. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, change the settings of your browser. Accept